How Proxies are the key Automation and Data Extraction.
Posted on November 22, 2021

Proxies are the key for Automation and Data Extraction. Modern and dynamic environments need to be able to work faster than ever and Proxy servers are vital to making that happen.
What is Automation?
Automation is the use of software to create repeatable instructions and processes to replace or reduce
human interaction with systems.
Automation software works to improve the speed and presicion of
certain instructions using tools, protocols, rules and frameworks to carry out the tasks with little to
no human intervention.
Data Extraction
Data extraction is the process that involves retrieval of data from one or various sources.
Extraction allows companies and organizations to retrieve data from different sources into a
centralized location and structure different types of data into a common format.
Data extraction is a poweful process that can help to optain many types of information relevant to
business so it can be possible to identify the kinds of needed data. Types of data that are commonly
extracted are customer data like names, phone numbers, email addresses, social media profiles or
financial data like sales, purchasing costs, and even competitors prices.
Data Extraction with Automation
For example, you want to start a website that recopile deals from stores on you local city and you
need to analyze data of all store locations in Google Maps and found the ones that have discounts or
deals around your target location.
Doing this manually is a daunting task, especially if you want to compare all of the stores that are
publicly available on a city and the numbers of products that each store can have.
Instead of going through thousands of pages and writing down every data, you can use data extraction
with automation scripts or web scrapers, which connect to a page or APIs and collect those data
The bottleneck on Data Extraction with Automation
Using the previuos example of the website that recopile deals from stores, automation tools use the
internet to connect to the website to retrieve data. Unfortunately, as the number of these
connections scales, the web stores may implement IP throttling systems to prevent DDoS attacks and
the website collapse.
And it's here when the use use of Proxies come. The best solution is the change of the IP address on
each request that is made to the website. Since the IP address is a major factor for identifying
someone, it's easy to scale the number of connection requests with a large ammount of the number of
IP addresses.
With a large proxy network with pools of millions of proxies, you will be able to send a decent
ammount of web requests for data gathering bypassing any IP throttling system.
As the digital bussiness where data information are involved is constantly expanding, the solution provided by proxy networks to scale services will be more and more useful and give positive impact in this type of bussiness.